New Jersey's Premier Full Service Court Reporting Firm For Over 4o Years
Question: What is court reporting?
Answer: Court reporting is the process of creating an accurate and verbatim written record of court proceedings, depositions, and other legal events.
Question: How do court reporters capture spoken words?
Answer: Court reporters use specialized stenographic machines to capture the spoken words during court proceedings.
Question: What qualifications or certifications do court reporters possess?
Answer: In the State of New Jersey, Court reporters must complete schooling and also pass the Board approved exam to become a NJ Certified Court Reporter.
Question: How long does it take to receive a transcript from a court reporter?
Answer: Time will vary based on the length and complexity of the deposition. Typically we aim to deliver your transcript in 7 – 10 business days.
Question: Can court reporters provide remote deposition services?
Answer: Yes, we can provide remote depositions using videoconference software. It is also possible to set up a hybrid deposition where some parties meet in person and others join remotely.
Question: How do court reporters handle confidentiality and security of transcripts?
Answer: Court reporters are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality and security of the transcripts they create, and are bound by professional ethics and guidelines that require them to handle transcripts and related information with strict confidentiality.
Question: How do court reporters handle difficult audio or speaking situations during proceedings?
Answer: At the onset of a deposition, a court reporter will ask all parties present to speak one at a time and ask not to speak over each other. During the deposition they may request clarification to insure they capture an accurate record.
Question: What is the process for scheduling and booking a court reporter?
Answer: Contact our office and provide the pertinent information – date, time, location, case name are the most important to get started.
Question: Are court reporters subject to ethical guidelines and standards of practice?
Answer: Yes, court reporters adhere to standards set forth by professional organizations such as the National Court Reporters Association (NCRA) and the State of New Jersey.
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We provide court reporting services throughout the State of New Jersey.
All of our Certified Court Reporters hold a NJ State Certification.